Organising committee

Francesca MANZARI



Aix-Marseille University

Francesca Manzari is Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature at Aix-Marseille University, researcher at the Center of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature at Aix-Marseille, head of the Translation graduate program, and the cofounder with Stephane Lojkine of the Literature and Psychoanalysis graduate program in Aix-Marseille. As a specialist of medieval and contemporary poetry, especially in the Italian, French and American fields, Francesca Manzari studied the relationship between poetry and philosophy, which built up in Tuscany Duecento and developed in modernist 20th century poetry. She wrote her PhD thesis on the whole corpus of Derrida’s writings, and her teaching and research mainly focus on French Theory legacy and mutual influences of Literature and Psychoanalysis. 
Francesca Manzari wrote Écriture derridienne : entre langage des rêves et critique littéraire, Peter Lang, 2009.


Stéphane LOJKINE



Aix-Marseille University

Stéphane Lojkine is Professor of French 18th century Literature at Aix-Marseille University, researcher at the Center of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature at Aix-Marseille, head of the CRISIS Federation of research, and the cofounder with Francesca Manzari of the Literature and Psychoanalysis graduate program in Aix-Marseille. As a specialist of Diderot, he developed from the study of Salons a theory of operative devices of representation (dispositifs), and mainly of scene and screen devices, articulating M. Foucault’s legacy an biopolitic and J. Lacan’s on scopic drive. He is the director of the Utpictura18 online iconographic database.
Stephane Lojkine is the author of La Scène de roman, A. Colin, 2002 ; Image et subversion, J. Chambon, 2005 ; L’Œil révolté, J. Chambon, 2007. He co-organized the exhibition and catalogue Le Goût de Diderot, Hazan, 2013. He co-edited Fictions de la rencontre, PUP, 2011 and Diderot et le temps, PUP, 2016. 


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